Friday, May 20, 2011

Become a comic: check!

I'm back to report that I followed through. I used the baday. It was a little more forceful than I had imagined. After about 20 seconds of squirting I figured out what that stop button is for. And the heated fan takes too long so I ended up drying off with toilet paper in the end. My sister posted this for me, "in honor of my toilet escapades":

I don't know if she drew it or not (doesn't seem like her drawing style). The hard thing about being in Japan is that if your family wants to ignore you, they can, so I'm not sure who to credit this with yet (or maybe my sister copy/pasted from other things, I dunno). But it's brilliant, nonetheless. I never imagined my life could be a comic strip. I should write that on my bucket list just so I can check it off.

1 comment:

  1. Turns out my sister used a website where you can insert the faces and text to make your own comic. I still laugh every time I see this!
