Friday, July 8, 2011

Kobe Aquarium

First of all, my living experiences : blog ratio is seriously out of whack. I apologize to anyone who cares. I'm leaving Japan tomorrow and I'm just now posting something from a couple months ago. I'll keep updating this with the rest of my 2495 photos over the next few months until I've put them all up. In the meantime these are some pictures from when I went to an Aquarium in Kobe. Sorry some of them didn't turn out that great. Oh well.

Cute Japanese kid saying hi to the fish.

Eel cuddling.

And snake cuddling.

It's part snake part turtle. A success story for inter-racial couples!

That's an enormous spider, if you can't tell.

I think the frog's pregnant.

I couldn't really get a good shot of the penguins. We were rushing by so I only snapped one picture.

Okay, as a reward for reading my entire post you get a special treat! Yay!! It's a link to my YouTube channel. But be forewarned, the videos are all pretty terrible. It was just me on my little Sony doing the best we could. If I had movie editing skills I would have combined them into a single sweet video with background music and explosions but I don't know how to do that stuff so you're stuck with the raw footage. Sorry.

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